Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Some of you understand... and some of you may never...

Deep within my feet, there is a constant itch.
(No it's not athlete's foot.)
It is this itch that has spurred me foreword...
from one place to another.
This is the itch of wanderlust.

I think I caught it when I first went to Nuevo Laredo, Mexico.
Seeing the absolute poverty of those people horrified me,
yet when I saw their abundant joy, I envied the simple life.
Whenever I travel, I learn something astounding.
Generally they may be small revelations to others
but their gift to me is humility. That is why I lust.
I lust for the travels that change.

Gypsies have always gotten a bad reputation in the records.
What's that saying... "a few bad apples spoil the barrel?" Thats what I think happened when they noted these nomadic clans in history.
Gypsies were those who adventured. They wanted to see more,
they lived where they were welcomed
and were free to move on whenever they desired. They lived simply.
My soul is a gypsy, no matter how hard I try to contain it.

So, I write this to my family
and friends who may not understand why I leave so often.
I love you all so very much but...
wanderlust never ceases for the gypsy souls.

Photo by: Ansel Adams

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