Cambodia was a wonderful chance to break from two a day yoga classes but I missed two days of one of the most brutal weeks during the training, Warrior week. Even though I did follow the teachers recommendation and worked out while away, I still felt as though I missed feeling the heat with the rest of the group.

Luckily I made it back on Wednesday to take part in the alignment lectures and to rest up just enough to jump in full power on Thursday. We ran the 113 stairs from the beach to the sand pit at the top five times. After that frog hops, jumps, lunges and crab strides were repeated across the pit. Once that was completed it was time to do push-ups, kip-ups, squats and jump ropping. This was done every morning, save for Friday. Friday morning was a glorious one of 108 sun salutations. For those of you who have done yoga before you know there are usually two or three sun salutations done as a warm up in class. Two or three is no big deal, but when we are talking about 108 you begin a mental war. Yet once you make it half way,
it becomes about staying in the zone, a mental space most professional athletes find quite easily.

Warrior week inspired more confidence within everyone. The knowledge that you can push your body to new limits and then to reap the benefits is a rush, but it didn't stop there. Some people have pushed deeper into poses, some walk a bit taller, some sing with more confidence and others speak with more gusto. These photos show just these things: chanting class where we sang the Sandscrit musical scales equivalent of do, re, me, fa... where everyone sang sweeter and then Harry finding new depth during our alignment class.
It was a wonderful way to end the fifth week!
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