Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hit the ground running...

My first few hours in Korea went something like this:
-Hop off the plane and jump into the loo. It is here I am kindly reminded that I am no longer in America. The toilet is a Korean style squattie pottie with a nice little button to push that makes rushing water sounds (if you are too embarrassed to poop infront of others).
-Meet Soojung at 6:30 and sit through hours of Seoul rush-hour traffic. Finally arrive at Kelly's and drop off my bags.
-Go to the Adventure Teaching gang's Wednesday night dinners. Here I met a number of other foreign teachers in Korea, yes they are all very lovely ladies.
-Drive home by moto (here they call them scooters) and crash for the night.
When they say Korea is fast paced they mean it... and this was only my first few hours.

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